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Section 16: Projection Exercises
Here's a reminder of some of the functions we have seen. Hint: they should be useful for the exercises!
:command:`sum(expression)` aggregate to return a sum for a set of records
:command:`ST_Length(linestring)` returns the length of the linestring
:command:`ST_SRID(geometry, srid)` returns the SRID of the geometry
:command:`ST_Transform(geometry, srid)` converts geometries into different spatial reference systems
:command:`ST_GeomFromText(text)` returns geometry
:command:`ST_AsText(geometry)` returns WKT text
:command:`ST_AsGML(geometry)` returns GML text
Remember the online resources that are available to you:
Also remember the tables we have available:
- nyc_census_blocks
- name, popn_total, boroname, the_geom
- nyc_streets
- name, type, the_geom
- nyc_subway_stations
- name, the_geom
- nyc_neighborhoods
- name, boroname, the_geom
"What is the length of all streets in New York, as measured in UTM 18?"
SELECT Sum(ST_Length(the_geom)) FROM nyc_streets;10418904.7172"What is the WKT definition of SRID 2831?"
SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE SRID = 2831;
Or, via prj2epsg
PROJCS["NAD83(HARN) / New York Long Island", GEOGCS["NAD83(HARN)", DATUM["NAD83 (High Accuracy Regional Network)", SPHEROID["GRS 1980", 6378137.0, 298.257222101, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], TOWGS84[-0.991, 1.9072, 0.5129, 0.0257899075194932, -0.009650098960270402, -0.011659943232342112, 0.0], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6152"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295], AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST], AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4152"]], PROJECTION["Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)", AUTHORITY["EPSG","9802"]], PARAMETER["central_meridian", -74.0], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 40.166666666666664], PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1", 41.03333333333333], PARAMETER["false_easting", 300000.0], PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0], PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0], PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2", 40.666666666666664], UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["Easting", EAST], AXIS["Northing", NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","2831"]]
"What is the length of all streets in New York, as measured in SRID 2831?"
SELECT Sum(ST_Length(ST_Transform(the_geom,2831))) FROM nyc_streets;10421993.706374Note
The difference between the UTM 18 and the Stateplane Long Island measurements is (10421993 - 10418904)/10418904, or 0.02%. Calculated on the spheroid using :ref:`geography` the total street length is 10421999, which is closer to the Stateplane value. This is not surprising, since the Stateplane Long Island projection is precisely calibrated for a very small area (New York City) while UTM 18 has to provide reasonable results for a large regional area.
"What is the KML representation of the point at 'Broad St' subway station?"
SELECT ST_AsKML(the_geom) FROM nyc_subway_stations WHERE name = 'Broad St';<Point><coordinates>-74.010671468873468,40.707104815584088</coordinates></Point>
Hey! The coordinates are in geographics even though we didn't call :command:`ST_Transform`, why? Because the KML standard dictates that all coordinates must be in geographics (ESPG:4326, in fact) so the :command:`ST_AsKML` function does the transformation automatically.