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PostGIS ajoute le support d'objets géographique à la base de données PostgreSQL. En effet, PostGIS "spatialise" le serverur PostgreSQL, ce qui permet de l'utiliser comme une base de données SIG.

Maintenu à jour, en fonction de nos disponibilités et des diverses sorties des outils que nous testons, nous vous proposons l'ensemble de nos travaux publiés en langue française.

source: trunk/workshop-foss4g/spatial_relationships_exercises.rst @ 17

Revision 1, 3.3 KB checked in by djay, 13 years ago (diff)

Initial import of the svn tree

Section 11: Spatial Relationships Exercises

Here's a reminder of the functions we saw in the last section. They should be useful for the exercises!

Also remember the tables we have available:

  • nyc_census_blocks
    • name, popn_total, boroname, the_geom
  • nyc_streets
    • name, type, the_geom
  • nyc_subway_stations
    • name, the_geom
  • nyc_neighborhoods
    • name, boroname, the_geom


  • "What is the geometry value for the street named 'Atlantic Commons'?"

    SELECT the_geom
      FROM nyc_streets
      WHERE name = 'Atlantic Commons';
  • "What neighborhood and borough is Atlantic Commons in?"

    SELECT name, boroname
    FROM nyc_neighborhoods
    WHERE ST_Intersects(
        name    | boroname
     Fort Green | Brooklyn
  • "What streets does Atlantic Commons touch?"

    SELECT name
    FROM nyc_streets
    WHERE ST_Touches(
     S Oxford St
     Cumberland St
  • "Approximately how many people live on (within 50 meters of) Atlantic Commons?"

    SELECT Sum(popn_total)
      FROM nyc_census_blocks
      WHERE ST_DWithin(
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