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90 | <div class="section" id="geoext-tree-wmscapabilitiesloader"> |
91 | <h1><a title="GeoExt.tree.WMSCapabilitiesLoader" class="reference internal" href="#GeoExt.tree.WMSCapabilitiesLoader"><tt class="xref docutils literal"><span class="pre">GeoExt.tree.WMSCapabilitiesLoader</span></tt></a><a class="headerlink" href="#geoext-tree-wmscapabilitiesloader" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1> |
92 | <dl class="meta docutils"> |
93 | <dt>Extends</dt> |
94 | <dd><ul class="first last simple"> |
95 | <li><a class="reference external" href="http://www.dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeLoader">Ext.tree.TreeLoader</a></li> |
96 | </ul> |
97 | </dd> |
98 | </dl> |
99 | <dl class="class"> |
100 | <dt id="GeoExt.tree.WMSCapabilitiesLoader"> |
101 | <em class="property">class </em><tt class="descclassname">GeoExt.tree.</tt><tt class="descname">WMSCapabilitiesLoader</tt><a class="headerlink" href="#GeoExt.tree.WMSCapabilitiesLoader" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> |
102 | <dd>A loader that will load create a tree of all layers of a Web Map |
103 | Service (WMS), maintaining its tree structure. Nodes created by this |
104 | loader are instances of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Ext.tree.TreeNode</span></tt>. If the WMS Capabilities |
105 | advertise a name for a layer, an OpenLayers.Layer.WMS instance will |
106 | be set on the node in its <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">layer</span></tt> attribute.</dd></dl> |
107 | |
108 | <div class="section" id="config-options"> |
109 | <h2>Config Options<a class="headerlink" href="#config-options" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2> |
110 | <p>Configuration properties in addition to |
111 | those listed for <a class="reference external" href="http://www.dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeLoader">Ext.tree.TreeLoader</a>.</p> |
112 | <dl class="describe"> |
113 | <dt> |
114 | <tt class="descname">layerOptions</tt></dt> |
115 | <dd><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Object</span></tt> |
116 | Optional options to set on the WMS layers which will be created by |
117 | this loader.</dd></dl> |
118 | |
119 | <dl class="describe"> |
120 | <dt> |
121 | <tt class="descname">layerParams</tt></dt> |
122 | <dd><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Object</span></tt> |
123 | Optional parameters to set on the WMS layers which will be created by |
124 | this loader.</dd></dl> |
125 | |
126 | <dl class="describe"> |
127 | <dt> |
128 | <tt class="descname">url</tt></dt> |
129 | <dd><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">String</span></tt> |
130 | The online resource of the Web Map Service.</dd></dl> |
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