/*! * Ext JS Library 3.4.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2011 Sencha Inc. * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.grid.PivotGridView * @extends Ext.grid.GridView * Specialised GridView for rendering Pivot Grid components. Config can be passed to the PivotGridView via the PivotGrid constructor's * viewConfig option:
new Ext.grid.PivotGrid({
viewConfig: {
title: 'My Pivot Grid',
getCellCls: function(value) {
return value > 10 'red' : 'green';
* Currently {@link #title} and {@link #getCellCls} are the only configuration options accepted by PivotGridView. All other * interaction is performed via the {@link Ext.grid.PivotGrid PivotGrid} class.
*/ Ext.grid.PivotGridView = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView, { /** * The CSS class added to all group header cells. Defaults to 'grid-hd-group-cell' * @property colHeaderCellCls * @type String */ colHeaderCellCls: 'grid-hd-group-cell', /** * @cfg {String} title Optional title to be placed in the top left corner of the PivotGrid. Defaults to an empty string. */ title: '', /** * @cfg {Function} getCellCls Optional function which should return a CSS class name for each cell value. This is useful when * color coding cells based on their value. Defaults to undefined. */ /** * Returns the headers to be rendered at the top of the grid. Should be a 2-dimensional array, where each item specifies the number * of columns it groups (column in this case refers to normal grid columns). In the example below we have 5 city groups, which are * each part of a continent supergroup. The colspan for each city group refers to the number of normal grid columns that group spans, * so in this case the grid would be expected to have a total of 12 columns:
items: [
{header: 'England', colspan: 5},
{header: 'USA', colspan: 3}
items: [
{header: 'London', colspan: 2},
{header: 'Cambridge', colspan: 3},
{header: 'Palo Alto', colspan: 3}
* In the example above we have cities nested under countries. The nesting could be deeper if desired - e.g. Continent -> Country ->
* State -> City, or any other structure. The only constaint is that the same depth must be used throughout the structure.
* @return {Array} A tree structure containing the headers to be rendered. Must include the colspan property at each level, which should
* be the sum of all child nodes beneath this node.
getColumnHeaders: function() {
return this.grid.topAxis.buildHeaders();;
* Returns the headers to be rendered on the left of the grid. Should be a 2-dimensional array, where each item specifies the number
* of rows it groups. In the example below we have 5 city groups, which are each part of a continent supergroup. The rowspan for each
* city group refers to the number of normal grid columns that group spans, so in this case the grid would be expected to have a
* total of 12 rows:
width: 90,
items: [
{header: 'England', rowspan: 5},
{header: 'USA', rowspan: 3}
width: 50,
items: [
{header: 'London', rowspan: 2},
{header: 'Cambridge', rowspan: 3},
{header: 'Palo Alto', rowspan: 3}
* In the example above we have cities nested under countries. The nesting could be deeper if desired - e.g. Continent -> Country ->
* State -> City, or any other structure. The only constaint is that the same depth must be used throughout the structure.
* @return {Array} A tree structure containing the headers to be rendered. Must include the colspan property at each level, which should
* be the sum of all child nodes beneath this node.
* Each group may specify the width it should be rendered with.
* @return {Array} The row groups
getRowHeaders: function() {
return this.grid.leftAxis.buildHeaders();
* @private
* Renders rows between start and end indexes
* @param {Number} startRow Index of the first row to render
* @param {Number} endRow Index of the last row to render
renderRows : function(startRow, endRow) {
var grid = this.grid,
rows = grid.extractData(),
rowCount = rows.length,
templates = this.templates,
renderer = grid.renderer,
hasRenderer = typeof renderer == 'function',
getCellCls = this.getCellCls,
hasGetCellCls = typeof getCellCls == 'function',
cellTemplate = templates.cell,
rowTemplate = templates.row,
rowBuffer = [],
meta = {},
tstyle = 'width:' + this.getGridInnerWidth() + 'px;',
colBuffer, colCount, column, i, row;
startRow = startRow || 0;
endRow = Ext.isDefined(endRow) ? endRow : rowCount - 1;
for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
row = rows[i];
colCount = row.length;
colBuffer = [];
//build up each column's HTML
for (var j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
meta.id = i + '-' + j;
meta.css = j === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (j == (colCount - 1) ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '');
meta.attr = meta.cellAttr = '';
meta.value = row[j];
if (Ext.isEmpty(meta.value)) {
meta.value = ' ';
if (hasRenderer) {
meta.value = renderer(meta.value);
if (hasGetCellCls) {
meta.css += getCellCls(meta.value) + ' ';
colBuffer[colBuffer.length] = cellTemplate.apply(meta);
rowBuffer[rowBuffer.length] = rowTemplate.apply({
tstyle: tstyle,
cols : colCount,
cells : colBuffer.join(""),
alt : ''
return rowBuffer.join("");
* The master template to use when rendering the GridView. Has a default template
* @property Ext.Template
* @type masterTpl
masterTpl: new Ext.Template(